

수업 교재는 무료로 제공해드리고있습니다!(Let’s go 시리즈만 제외)
CEFR 레벨에 관하여 알아 봅시다

News English 5

이 교재는 중급레벨의 학생들을 위한 뉴스 기사 모음집입니다. 각 단원에서 학생들은 지문을 이해하고 다양한 어휘를통해 자신의 생각을 명확하게 표현해야합니다.

16 Units

Day 1-16

1. How to Become a Memory Champion

2. Fasting May Lead to Health Benefits

3. Scientists Say There Could Be Life on TRAPPIST-1 Planets

4. Bulgarian Radio Can Play Modern Music Again

5. World Wide Web Inventor Worried about Its Future

Review. Unit 1-5

6. Slippery Ketchup Bottle Helps Zero-Waste Economy

7. Using Cotton Buds Could Damage Your Hearing

8. Zombies Would Wipe Out Humans in 100 Days

9. Climate Changed the Shape of Our Nose

10. Face Recognition Scanner to Stop Toilet Paper Thieves

Review. Unit 6-10

11. What Life Will Be Like in 2116

12. New Gym Opens to Train Robots

13. Dietary Supplements Could Be Bad for You

14. Plants Can Make Intelligent Decisions

15. Scientists List 12 New Types of Clouds

16. Language Barriers Holding Back Global Science

Review. Unit 11-16

무료 영어 레벨테스트 받아보세요!