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Let's Talk 4


Let's Talk 4

20 Units

Day 1-20

1. The Right to Know

2. Truth or White Lie

3. Surrogate Mother

4. Public Breastfeeding

5. Punishment for Shoplifting

Review. Unit 1-5

6. Proper Etiquette

7. Scientists Disobedient to Mother Nature

8. Sending Women to Combat

9. Publishing Names

10. Human Growth Hormone

Review. Unit 6-10

11. Euthanasia

12. Suicide

13. Death-Bed Confessions

14. A Life for a Life

15. State Matchmaking

Review. Unit 11-15

16. Self-Awarded Gifts

17. A Deposition

18. Gun Control

19. Environmental Holocaust

20. What is Everything in Life?

Review. Unit 16-20

新規申し込みの方対象で 初月20%割引実施中!!