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19 Units
Day 1-19
1. Oxford University Changes Gender Dress Code
2. Kidney for iPad Trial Opens in China
3. Spain Mayor Steals Food for the Poor
4. Issues: Bullying
5. Let’s Argue: We Find Television Guilty as Charged
Review. Unit 1-5
6. Americans Waste 40% of Their Food
7. Hospital Cleaner Fired for Speaking Polish
8. Looking At Cute Photos Aids Concentration
9. Issues: The Genesis of a Tweet
10. Let’s Argue: Too Ugly to Work?
Review. Unit 6-10
11. Jeans That Clean The Air
12. Toilet Theme Park opens in S. Korea
13. Bamboo Shortage a Risk to Pandas
14. Issues: Women
15. Let’s Argue: No More Nukes!
Review. Unit 11-15
16. IKEA 'Deeply Regrets' Forced Prison Labor
17. Most Divorces due to Household Chores
18. Issues: Technology
19. Let’s Argue: Tough Love
Review. Unit 16-19
新規申し込みの方対象で 初月20%割引実施中!!